Thursday, January 24, 2008

Kettlebell Contest at Powefest?

Someone recently asked on Napalm's Corner if there would be a kettlebell lifting contest at Powerfest. Here is the answer I put over there:

    "There is a kettlebell seminar on saturday morning, but there will be no kettlebells in the actual strongman contest sunday.

    If there's time, we may be able to do a kettlebell lift for fun afterwards though - who knows.

    If you want to come by, just introduce yourself and maybe we can hook that up. i'm sure there will be plenty of kb's there.

    Dave has BIG kettlebells. I can't wait to try them!"

Like I said, currently, there is NOT one scheduled, but if there is time, we MAY be able to throw something together. At this point, anything is possible, so if you are interested, please come over and introduce yourself and we will see what we can put together. I'd be glad to bring it up to Dave, if there is interest in that.


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